Donnerstag, 27. November 2008

The World Economy and its failure to fight the CRISES “MONSTER”

Today the governments like the Russian one and USA, which have together pumped in their economies over 90 billion $, are using “cheap money” as the Angela Merkel , the Chancellor of Germany said. She criticized greatly, USA and other countries, pumping in those “cheap money”,

which would result the repetition of the same mistakes and eventually again the same crises, as we are faced with today. In already five years, according to The Financial Times, we will be faced already again with the same „monster“. In addition, one may suggest that this tendency is right in the face of world economy, it seems, as one may suggest that this is the only policy among (fiscal and monetary ones), which will bring the crises to the end! In order to stabilize and stimulate the current economical situation of the UE, it was decided to inject 200 billion Euro. However financial analytics, as well as some politicians are sceptical about if all the EU countries would agree with the plan, or would not give their support.

1 Kommentar:

S hat gesagt…

It is quite clear by now that simple injections in the economie do not seem to work. More complex and globally governed measeres are needed to battle the crisis.