Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2008


Such gas exporters as Russia, Iran and Qatar have agreed about forming a powerful OPEC-style group in order to export gas. This new consortium would control over 60 % of the global natural gas reserves in the world, which of course brings great fear to the West, that it could turn into monopoly and logically this cartel could lead to a higher prices. This news come after the meeting of the Chairman of Gazprom Alexey Miller, Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari and the Qatar Energy Minister Abdullah Ben Hamad Al-Attiya.
These talks about the creation of such important and powerful alliance, will send shivers down the spines of EU and USA, the ones which heavily rely on imports. The potential members of the group would be considered such countries as Russia, Qatar, Iran, Venezuela and Algeria.
So as in one of my previous Bloggs, whether the Russia would become a part of EU or at least become a member of WTO, now with its possibility to become a member of “GAS OPEC” and its estimated reserves of around quarter of the global natural gas, Russia would have no need in neither EU membership or WTO one.

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